
73-5617 Maiau St #5 96740 Kailua-Kona, HI
Phone: (808) 327-4647

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise has caused a new awakening in the gemstone world. The Sleeping Beauty mine in Globe, Arizona is known for producing some of the world's most beautiful turquoise. The name of the mine comes from the shape of its mountain resembling a sleeping women and was named well before the gem was discovered below.

The bright chalky robins-egg blue color and minimal veining in Sleeping Beauty Turquoise is what determines the high quality of this gemstone and what has contributed to its fame in the gem world. In recent years the mine has closed causing the price to jump up considerably and creating a panic as reality sets in that someday there will be no more.

Rumors say that the stone is being bought up by international buyers which is quickly diminishing supplies and driving the prices even higher. The last number was at $3500 per pound. Jerry Guire, the owner of Hawaii Titanium Rings was smart and sought out the reservations as a source, after all it was the Native Americans who first discovered the precious stone.

The turquoise story is always changing and new history is being written as mines are depleted and closed, and new mines with different turquoise are discovered. Unfortunately, not a fairy tale ending for this princess but at least she can go out knowing that her beauty was unparalleled and she is still the Queen in the land of Turquoise!
