
73-5617 Maiau St #5 96740 Kailua-Kona, HI
Phone: (808) 327-4647



The profiles we offer are flat or round and so let us simplify this for our clients buying online. The flat profiled rings are pictured in the top photos and the rings with the round are below that. Note that the round/flat description refers to the shape of the titanium and you can see how it comes around to the face of the ring, whereas the flat ring is not as beveled.

All of our rings are comfort fit, so think of the profile as the ring shape rather than the fit. Some clients like the bulk of the round profiles, and many men who do heavy manual work with their hands prefer it because the titanium comes around to grip their finger, making it harder to catch on things. The flat profiles are preferred and/or suggested with certain designs(like the Big Kahuna) and for clients who want thin-walled rings.

The bottom line is we start with a solid bar of titanium and hand-shape each ring, so if there is a ring you see on our website that you are unsure which profile it possesses, we can match the ring profile you like for your design. We are happy to work with you so you get exactly what you want in a ring and more!